Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Reposting this: 2+ years ago, my LA statement of purpose

From March 16th, 2006:

An open letter to the Los Angeles creative community

Hello all. My name is Philip Clark. I self-publish QUANTUM: Rock of Ages, and I'm a very active member in the NYC and independent comic book community. I'm writing this letter to let you know that I am coming your way, moving to the left coast, and I have some great things to bring to the table in the City of Angels. That is, if you'll have me.

I know it's pretty forward for me to just bust in on your sandy plane brimming with new ideas and all, but if you'll bear with me for a moment, I'll show you what I hope to contribute to the scene out there.

The first thing I propose to do is set up an LA chapter of the Comic Art Guild.

We are an organization of comic book writers, artists, inkers, letterers, publishers, and enthusiasts, united in networking and educating ourselves in the way of the industry. I will be hosting meetings in LA for anyone interested in getting into comics as a hobby or career. I'd also like to network with any such existing organizations and like-minded professionals.

Secondly, I will be setting up my publishing and production operation in Manhattan Beach, and I invite all LA area creators to contact me if they need any consultation regarding comic book pre-press or music production. I have published several successful comics, flyers, banners, and web ads. And I have an extensive music industry resumé and discography. I've been in the trenches, not only as a commercial producer, but also an art director, publisher, and an accounts/personnel manager. I will be posting my resume and portfolio online within the next week. If you'd like to read my comic book, you can do so at

Third, I will be forming a new band, recording a new Philip Clark record, and playing several live shows. Any musician who truly wants to flow with the funk should contact me. I will immediately be looking for a rhythm section (drums, bass, guitar) and possibly an auxiliary keyboard player. In addition to being a vocalist and multi-instrumentalist, I'm a two-time winner at the Apollo, and I plan to bring my brand of Soul to Los Angeles. Feel free to listen to the first record at

I wish to meet and connect with all of my fellow independent artists, writers, musicians, and creators. I truly feel that if you help enough people, you eventually help yourself. As such, it is my goal to be an asset in any professional venture I undertake. If you have a gig for a guy who will put the team first, I'm you're guy.

At the end of the day, I simply want to have fun. I'm hoping to find a position that will feed that desire and still be productive.

I'm hoping you've read these words, and will contact me if you feel I'm the quality of person you'd like to associate with. It's my belief that positivity breeds positivity, and that's where I'm coming from.

My Cali residency begins April 1st. I'm hoping I meet some folks who might be willing to show me around town.

Look forward to hearing from you,
Philip Clark

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Please check out "Romeo and Juliet," featured at ATLANTIC WAVE RADIO right now!