Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Hey y'all,
Something a little off topic. I've been featured over at Twin City Beats website as one of their top 20 artists. Check it out.


Just a quick blurb: with all of the holiday crap going on and James and I personally grascaling the book, QUANTUM #5 won't hit until January. For all of you group members who just can't wait until next year to catch up on things, drop me an email. We'll see what Santa can do ;-)


Sunday, December 05, 2004

For those of you wondering WHERE THE HELL IS QUANTUM #5:

I've posted 3 pages of preview in the photos section of the QUANTUM Yahoo Group. What it's come down to is that Jennifer Kwon had a death in the family and has had other personal obligations that prevent her from doing the book at this time. It's uncertain as to what her future on the book is, and in the interim I've had to take up the slack. So what you see in the preview section is actually the first Clark/Rodriguez grayscale collaboration. James has been kind enough to lend his photoshop talents to the book, and together we are both coloring issue #5.

(Quick technical aside for all you comic geeks: I am "flatting" pages--filling in solids--and then passing them off to James, who does gradients, effects, highlights and shading. We're both very happy with the results, and we hope you are, too.)

AS A RESULT, I have a clearer idea of what QUANTUM'S schedule is going to be at this point.

**QUANTUM #5 will probably hit NEW YORK RETAILERS and the DREAMCHILDE PRESS ONLINE STORE the week before Christmas** It will then be available through our distributors subsequently.

Your best bet to find it in NY:

MIDTOWN COMICS (online, too)

I was hoping to have issue #6 done before New Year's, but that's just not going to happen. So, this book will be coming out QUARTERLY beginning in January. Until Jennifer comes back, James and I will more than likely be coloring the book. Bottom line here: I've gone through 3 colorists in 4 issues to no avail. I can't really afford the extra body right now so the art team is gradually getting scaled back.

Anyway, this may be leading up to more staff shake-ups here at Dreamchilde Press. Don't ever let them tell you that making comic books is boring!

More later,

Monday, November 29, 2004

Hey all,
Just wanted to let you all know what's going on of late.

First, I will be updating the pinup section of the Yahoo group soon. Over the course of the past few months I have gotten some new pieces from some very cool creators. In fact, just two weekends ago at the Big Apple Con, I got some great pinups from Liza Biggers and Mike Oeming. Look for those soon, as well as works by Stuart Sayger and Louis Small Jr.

Issue #5 has run into all sorts of problems this time around, but James and I are personally making sure we have it in the can by the end of this week. I'll post preview pages this weekend.

Please keep your retailers hot on the QUANTUM TPB. Suggest it as a great X-mas gift!

More later,

Tuesday, November 16, 2004



Tuesday, November 09, 2004


Dreamchilde Press Debuts QUANTUM: Rock of Ages Graphic Novel, back issues online.
New York Small Press Comic Book Publisher Collects Cross-time Epic in TPB format.

New York Publisher/Writer Philip Clark announces two milestones from his Dreamchilde Press. Dreamchilde’s flagship title, “QUANTUM: Rock of Ages” will be released to comic book stores across the country this Wednesday, November 10, as a highly anticipated trade paperback. QUANTUM also goes into publication electronically this month, with back-issues available on the World Wide Web. Hailed by readers, reviewers, and comic pros alike, QUANTUM: Rock of Ages is gaining ground as one of indie comics’ best new series.

Part Clerks, part Sliders, QUANTUM: Rock of Ages – Act 1 follows the adventures of Nick Vargas, a jaded musician turned record-store owner. Nick is unwittingly taken on the ultimate cross-time thrill ride due to a time experiment gone awry in an alternate reality. His goal is to reassemble the Quantum Silica—an ancient and powerful artifact that has been split into seven fragments—in order to repair time and space before all existence ends. During his quest he encounters other characters that are also affected by the bizarre gemstone. Each fragment of the “Quantum” sphere offers a unique power to Nick and his counterparts, and the Quantum needs to be reassembled before Nick can return to his record store reality. Toss in a diabolical nemesis and some quirky pop-culture humor, and QUANTUM makes for a highly enjoyable ride.

In addition to the magnificent art by Ozzy Longoria and James Rodriguez, QUANTUM: Rock of Ages - Act 1 also features bonus material: character bios, self-publishing tips, an introduction by Walter Simonson (Thor, X-Factor) and a sketchbook of comicdom’s hottest talent including David Mack (Kabuki), Jim Calafiore (Exiles), Mark Texeira (Sabertooth), Andy McDonald (NYC Mech), Jamal Igle (Green Lantern), Andy Lee (Marvel Team-up) and more!

“This is the type of comic book that is impossible to put down.”
-Silver Bullet Comics

“Philip Clark is an up and coming creator to watch out for.”
-David Mack

“Fun, utterly unpredictable, and marching to its own beat.”

QUANTUM: Rock of Ages also finds a home for its back issue catalogue on the web. QUANTUM #1 is now viewable at http://drunkduck.com, with new pages posted every Wednesday and Saturday. Now is your chance to see where the adventure begins!

The Dreamchilde Press team of Philip Clark, James Rodriguez and Peter Palmiotti will be attending the National Comic Book, Art, and Sci-Fi Expo in New York City November 19-21. Look for them at the Comic Art Guild booth.

QUANTUM: Rock of Ages - Act 1 trade paperback (166 pages, $14.99. PREVIEWS order #AUG042683) is available to order from Diamond Distribution, Cold Cut Distribution, FM Distribution and online.
More information can be found at http://quantumcomic.net.

Friday, October 22, 2004

More praises on all four issues over at the Almost Normal site:



Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Hey guys,
Have added much needed "Read it" and "Buy it" buttons to the QUANTUM website. Now it's easier to point your friends in the direction of this book.
The QUANTUM Act 1 TPB is now available online for advance ordering. The book is at the printers and should hit stores next week. Stay tuned for news of a signing in the NYC area.
Due to the unforeseen challenge of putting out the TPB, issue #5 has been constantly delayed. Again, I wish to apologize for this. Being new to this publishing thing, it wasn't something I figured would cut into production. All I can say is that issue #5 will be the best issue to date and to just be patient. I'm going to try to have it done before the National convention in November.
I've posted an early version of issue #6's cover in the photos section. Some serious eye candy here, and I recommend y'all check it out.


p.s. there's a CAG meeting this weekend. More on that later.

Monday, October 11, 2004


Well, at least they gave James props:



Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Keeping the buzz rolling, Darren Schroeder has posted a review of QUANTUM #4 over at Silver Bullet's website:


The QUANTUM TPB goes to the printers TODAY!


Tuesday, September 21, 2004

I'm pleased to announce that QUANTUM: Rock of Ages is now viewable over at
DrunkDuck.com. I've posted the first 15 pages of issue #1 and will have the
entire issue up by the time the trade paperback is released next month.

Those of you faithful to the series, now is your chance to turn your friends
on to the book. Also you can vote and comment on the material you see there!

Just point your browsers here:


or here


The revolution apparently WON'T be televised,

Philip Clark
Dreamchilde Press
Publisher of "QUANTUM: Rock of Ages"
21-19 41st St. #2
Astoria, NY 11105

Thursday, September 16, 2004

I had a really profound and far-reaching blog for you, but I've gone and gotten fuckered up, so you'll have to deal with the follwing cut-and-paste:

So I went to my local bar--which, after the move hasn’t been so local—-and found out I made the Queens Tribune. Last Week. They not only did an exposé on my music, but also on my comic book endeavors. Unfortunately they credit me as “Philip Carter” in the first two paragraphs, but it’s still good hype. Check it here:’


Kickin’ it Astoria Style,

!P.S. I want to start hosting a chat; what night is good for y’all?!



Dreamchilde Media Group
21-19 41st St.
Astoria, NY 11105

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Well, I got my P.O. from Diamond today for the Trade Paperback, and the news ain't good.

I can't BELIEVE more people don't know about or care about this project. I've been busting my nuts for the past 2 years trying to bring this story and dream of mine to the mainstream. Unfortunately, the folks who matter (comic book store owners) are not paying attention.

I know there are several factors to this, and I'll site two for the record; since at this point in my comics career I really have nothing to lose:

1. The economy stinks, and very few people buy independent comics. The only person I know of who does adequate numbers in a small press book is Terry Moore, and he got in during the boom. 10 years of a loyal and growing following will do that. "Strangers in Paradise" has been a role model for my aspirations in the publishing game, and for a good reason. But the simple truth is that there is a very small audience for black-and-white comics. The fact that QUANTUM is "too indie for mainstream" and "too mainstream for indie" doesn't help.

2. The leading distributor in the comics industry wields a heavy hand in determining who will succeed and who will fail in this business. I refuse to go off on a tirade on how Diamond is basically a tyrannical monopoly whose main interest is to schlep superhero fare to the masses, and instead simply state this: We independent books are cannon fodder for the PREVIEWS catalog. And Diamond manipulates our exposure and access to important retailers in many ways.

This isn't sour grapes...ok, fine, maybe a little. But I do believe that I'm not getting the whole story from them as far as who my audience is and what they order. I've heard many nightmare stories in the past, and have decided I can no longer be bothered with playing ball with such a clearly biased company. I believe in QUANTUM, and I WILL SEE IT THROUGH TO THE END. If Diamond wants to be a part of that, it will be up to them to give me a reason to deal with them.

You hear that kiddies? We're going grass roots, all the way.

I will still publish my measly quantities of the QUANTUM Act One TPB. And after Diamond has chewed them up and spit them out, I will STILL be selling it. What I have discovered is that people who care about this story will STILL ORDER IT ONLINE.

Fine, more money for me.

There are two other distributors, and a handful of online distros. That is how you will be seeing QUANTUM. So I guess this means that the die-hard comic book fan will still have access to my work. Everyone else that is playing the game of the direct market, have fun. I'm on to greener pastures.

I guess more than anything this is a declaration of true independence. I don't know what the future will hold for this story, but I guarantee you I'm going to FINISH it. If anything, this whole experience has just ticked me off to the point where I'm going to do it DESPITE the odds.

Speaking of which, this same M.O. holds true for my music career. I'm tired of catering to the corporate mentality. If you want to hear Philip Clark's music, you know right where to go. Right here.

This is officially a rant. Part anger, part defiance, and part affirmation. Those of you that have been following the story, MY story, know that I've been struggling. Well, now I'm mad enough to fight for the struggle. Mr. Nice Guy is taking a sabbatical. Diamond, I'm putting out QUANTUM whether you like it or not, whether you SELL it or not. If y'all knew what was good for you, you'd throw me a bone and help promote this comic a little better. It's not like you won't have 12 ISSUES TO SELL, 3 TRADE PAPERBACKS, and more than likely 1 FULL DIGEST. And that's just the first arc. That's a lot of potential money that you probably won't see.

You folks think you've got such a big hold on the market, and that may be true. But you don't control my licensing. Believe me, by the end of this thing, I'll have books, and toys, and records, and a very hot intellectual property, and I'll eventually come back in your gaze to exploit. Pray I'm in a more forgiving mood than I am right now.

I'm going to approach TV. I'm going to approach film. I know I've got something hot, and I just need to be patient enough to get to the right person.

Been there, done that. This time it's different. This time I'm mad.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

A few news tidbits, some long overdue:

Due to severe restructuring of my day job, a recent move, and just hard luck, I've had to make a few decisions regarding my publishing and recording endeavors. The long-and-short of it is that I'm going to have to put a couple of projects on hiatus until things turn around. Fear not, I still intend to fulfill my publishing intentions; it's just that the frequency with which I crank out material will be slowed for the foreseeable future.

1. I’m scrapping “Dreamchilde” the record. There’s no way I’ll meet the proposed Christmas deadline, and truth to tell a few of the songs have evolved past their original drafts. I'm also "over" some of the material. Hey, it happens. Also, it makes no sense for me to release “albums” at this point. Unlike the comic-book industry, it’s a singles market, and that’s how I need to pursue things for now. Also with the move I still have to upgrade my rig before I can resume full-time recording at the new studio. The best I can promise at this point is A NEW PHILIP CLARK SINGLE by Christmas.

2. “QUANTUM: Rock of Ages,” issue #5 will be DELAYED UNTIL OCTOBER. My primary concern is to press the upcoming trade paperback. I’ve made it a goal to get to issue #6 by December. That's halfway! With the pace the art team is working, the fact that the work is looking more polished than ever, and the fact that we don’t have Diamond breathing down our necks any more, I’ve decided that I can proceed at a more sane (read: SANE) pace trying to finish this book. Truth to tell, I’m relieved to be past issue #4. The current climate of the comic industry and self-publishing have forced me to make this choice:

3. QUANTUM WILL PROBABLY MOVE COMPLETELY TO TRADE PAPERBACK FORMAT. Here’s the math folks: Diamond makes more money charging for collected stories. Unlike the music industry, comics is an "album oriented" market. I squirm and fret and spit and curse at the fact, but black-and-white pamphlets just don’t yield a profit in the current comic book market. Friends and colleagues have been cautioning me since the inception of this project, and I’m afraid I am going to have to acquiesce to their wisdom.

4. WHAT I NEED FROM YOU: If you just can’t LIVE without this comic on a Bi-monthly, or more realistically, a QUARTERLY basis, I NEED TO HEAR ABOUT IT. I have a couple of options in the works, including making single issues available STRICTLY TO QUANTUM YAHOO GROUP MEMBERS. This may move the books to a monthly online subscription service, where you get individual issues as PDF files as they become available.

5. OUR ADDRESS HAS CHANGED. Snail mail should now be sent to:

21-19 41st St. #2
Astoria, NY 11105

6. Oh, hey, I NEED TABLE SPACE AT SPX!!! About the only thing I can afford right now is the bus down to Bethesda. I'll probably be lucky to attend a DAY, but James and I plan on going. What I need is somebody ultra cool to let me put a few books on their table and let me hock my wares. Any help would be appreciated.

Ok, that's the status. I apologize to my die-hard fans out there. I feel like I've let you down. The good news is that QUANTUM will still be coming out, and I promise to be better with my deadlines than Kevin Smith (sorry, Kev, but WHERE THE HELL IS SPIDERMAN/BLACK CAT?). Please be patient with me. I know the art will continue, but now I need to take some time to rebuild and strengthen my current circumstances.

Basically right now I play the waiting game, eagerly anticipating Diamond's purchase order for the TPB. Y'all better be telling your retailer about it (dammit). I promise you it's gonna smoke.

All the best,

Dreamchilde Press
21-19 41st St.
Astoria, NY 11105

Thursday, September 02, 2004


Hey all,
Just wanted to drop a line to let you know that I've finally rounded up one of the pieces de resistance for the QUANTUM trade paperback. David Mack was gracious enough to give us his spin on a few of the characters. Unfortunately, I'm going to wait to post it in the group until after the TPB hits the stands, but I will tell you it's a great piece. Just one more excuse for you to go out and buy the trade.
Issue #5 is still in the works. Will keep you posted on a release date soon.

All the best,

Monday, August 30, 2004

Just a reminder to make sure to mark the QUANTUM: Rock of Ages TPB on your August Diamond order form. QUANTUM: Rock of Ages - Act 1 trade paperback (166 pages, $14.99. PREVIEWS order #AUG04 2683) is in the August PREVIEWS catalogue (page 274) under Dreamchilde Press and will be available in October 2004.

QUANTUM: Rock of Ages – Act 1 collects the first four issues of Philip Clark’s mind-bending tale of alternate realities. Act 1 features retouched stories, a four-page bonus scene, character bios, self-publishing tips, and sketches from comicdom’s hottest talent including DAVID MACK, JIM CALAFIORE, MARK TEXIERA, ANDY McDONALD, JAMAL IGLE, ANDY LEE, SEAN WANG, and others!
Introduction by WALTER SIMONSON.

Philip Clark (writer)
Ozzy Longoria and James Rodriguez (artist)
Supriya Kalay (inker)
Mauricio Mandara, Robert Ashcraft, and Jennifer Kwon (colorist)



QUANTUM: Rock of Ages #1-#4 (32 pages, $2.99) are STILL AVAILABLE, directly
from Dreamchilde Press and from your distributor. Email for more details.

Contact: Philip Clark
Dreamchilde Press
23-29 36th St.
Astoria, NY 11105

Monday, August 23, 2004


SHOP for the Anthology. That is all for now.
I got ripped up one side and down the other in Scott Woods's review over at the Comic World News, but at least we got another review. LOL

Check it:


Foraging for Bactine,

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Matt Brady and Ryan McLelland have posted a great feature on QUANTUM over at Newsarama.com

Check it out:


Hope all is well,

Friday, August 06, 2004

Hey Y’all,
Sorry I’ve been out of touch of late. I moved last weekend and then came down with the worse summer cold I've ever had. I'm still pretty much down for the count, but I wanted to post the latest review we got from Craig Reade at ComiXtreme.com.


Going back to bed to try to recover. Will hopefully be back in the saddle by Monday.


Friday, July 30, 2004

David LeBlanc has sang our praises to the rooftops in this review over at the CBEM:


Thanks, David. You truly get what we’re trying to do, and I appreciate all the press!


Tuesday, July 27, 2004


QUANTUM: Rock of Ages - Act 1 trade paperback (166 pages, $14.99. PREVIEWS order #AUG042683) is in the current PREVIEWS catalogue (page 274) and will be available in October 2004.

QUANTUM: Rock of Ages – Act 1 collects the first four issues of Philip Clark’s mind-bending tale of alternate realities. Act 1 features retouched stories, a four-page bonus scene, character bios, a “making of” section, self-publishing tips, and sketches from comicdom’s hottest talent including DAVID MACK, JIM CALAFIORE, MARK TEXIERA, ANDY McDONALD, JAMAL IGLE, ANDY LEE, SEAN WANG, and others! Introduction by WALTER SIMONSON.

Philip Clark (writer)
Ozzy Longoria and James Rodriguez (artist)
Supriya Kalay (inker)
Mauricio Mandara, Robert Ashcraft, and Jennifer Kwon (colorist)


QUANTUM: Rock of Ages #1-#4 (32 pages, $2.99) are STILL AVAILABLE, directly from Dreamchilde Press and from your distributor. Email for more details.

Friday, July 23, 2004

The reviews are starting to pour in for ish #4, and boy, the news is good!
Our good friend and buddy Heath Shelby over at TheComicFanatic.com has this glowing review of QUANTUM #4:

And Paul Dale Roberts at JazmaOnline.com has this to say:


I'm on my way to San Diego Con for Day 2. Will keep you posted.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004


Just in time for convention season:

Catch up on all things QUANTUM: Rock of Ages, as we've bundled the first four issues into a package you simply can't resist!

That's right, all four issues of the first act of QUANTUM for a mere ten dollars. Act now and pay no shipping. PLUS receive a free poster.

You've heard the hype. Now's your chance to check out the best Time-Travel epic you're not reading. Click here:


Monday, July 12, 2004


The Hype goes on for QUANTUM: Rock of Ages. Check out the great word-of-mouth we received this weekend.

As part of ComiXfan.com's independent feature month:


Sarah Halsett's awesome review of Issue #4:


Regarding issue #4: due to a shipping snafu, it will be on comic store shelves NEXT Wednesday, July 21st. After which I will be posting a 4-for-$10 special online at the QUANTUM web store. If you have friends you'd like to turn on to the series, this would be a great time.

Gearing up for San Diego,

Tuesday, July 06, 2004


Don’t let the name fool you.

We got a nice little mention over at poopsheet's review site. Check it out:


Hope everyone had a great weekend,

Monday, July 05, 2004


Hey Gang,

Desktop pictures of the first 4 QUANTUM covers have been posted to the files section of the QUANTUM: Rock of Ages Yahoo group! Now's your chance to show your support for QUANTUM by displaying it on your desktop.

Joining the group is free and easy. To request permission to join the QUANTUM: Rock of Ages Yahoo Group, simply go to:




Once you have access to the group, you can find the wallpaper in the "Files" section of the group in a folder named "Desktop Pictures."

Post them proudly! Share them with your friends!

Keep checking the files section for updates. And feel free to roam around the group and check out all the other goodies, announcements, and behind-the-scenes action to do with QUANTUM: Rock of Ages.


Monday, June 28, 2004


Last year I hailed the NYC MoCCA art fest as nothing short of "Comic Book Mecca." This year proved to be no different with the addition of another whole day to the MoCCA schedule. With more exhibitors and extra time to sample the various wares, this years show was nothing short of fantastic.

I had the added benefit of being able to exhibit this year, sharing a table with the Comic Art Guild (www.comicartguild.com). My art team on QUANTUM: Rock of Ages joined me as we sold copies of the book as well as plugged the guild and its various wares. It was great to hang out with fellow CAGers Keith Murphey, James Rodrigues, Tom Drew, and Alexis Ziritt. I had preview copies of QUANTUM #4 on hand as well as new colorist Jennifer Kwon. We had loads of fun getting the word out on the street and hanging with our independent comic creating counterparts.

I also had a chance to catch up with colleagues old and new. Among them, "Mortal Coils" scribe A. David Lewis, "Fade From Blue" creators Myatt Murphy and Scott Dalrymple, "A Sort of Homecoming" writer Damon Hurd, "NYC Mech" super-duo Ivan Brandon and Andy McDonald, "Stylish Vittles" publisher Tyler Page, "Runners" creator Sean Wang, and such comic luminaries as Buzz and Danny Fingeroth. I made it a point to catch up with creators whose work I had been hearing various rumblings about, such as Bosch Fawstin, creator of the very sharp and beautifully rendered "Table for One." Bosch turned out to be a really down-to-earth cat. His work is seriously top notch, and everyone should make it a point to check him out at www.boschfawstin.com. I also had the pleasure of meeting the beautiful and talented Sylke Scharrenbroich, who just happened to be a fellow New Yorker. Her book, "Time Exists so Everything Doesn't Happen at Once," is a gritty, sometimes painfully honest account of her life and experiences. Speaking of fellow New Yorkers, I finally ran into Astoria resident Robert Gavila. He debuted his work "Nisha" at MoCCA, and it was great to put a face to the name I'd been hearing about around the neighborhood. It was also my pleasure to catch up with Philadelphia comics sensation Pete Stathis, whose dark and dreamy "Evenfall" was recently collected into paperback format.

The MoCCA art festival also saw the unveiling of the Small Press Association's "The Guide" MoCCA Ad Book, and I also got to rub elbows with fellow SPAers Steve Noppenberger and Ron LeBrasseur. The book looked great, and we got the word of the SPA out to a lot of folks at the show.

All in all, the show itself was a complete blast. It's really great to see a collective of independent and small-press creators and their works. Unlike the mainstream cons, there wasn't an Imperial Stormtrooper to be found, and the female contingent that attended was both plentiful and attractive. I ended up getting some great sketches for the upcoming QUANTUM trade by Scott Dalrymple, Jason Narvaez (artist on "Mortal Coils"), "Java" creator Ken Okobiyashi, and Powersmith Studio's Carl Kent (check out the QUANTUM Yahoo group to see them). I don't know if stretching the festival out to two days helped or hurt sales overall, but I do know one thing: If I ever want to make the big bucks I simply need to stick to two formats.

Porn and Manga.

Anyway, that's my quick report. More later,


Friday, June 25, 2004

PopMatters.com, who totally skewered QUANTUM #1, gave us a significantly better review for issue #2. Go check it out here:


Hope all is well,

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Here's a sneak peek of QUANTUM #4


Thursday, June 17, 2004

It's my pleasure to report that WALT SIMONSON will be providing the foreword to the QUANTUM: Rock of Ages trade paperback to be released in October. Following is the solicitation for the August PREVIEWS:

QUANTUM: Rock of Ages – Act 1 collects the first four issues of Philip Clark’s mind-bending tale of alternate realities. Act 1 features retouched stories, a four-page bonus scene, character bios, a “making of” section, self-publishing tips, and sketches from comicdom’s hottest talent including DAVID MACK, JIM CALAFIORE, MARK TEXIERA, ANDY McDONALD, JAMAHL IGLE, ANDY LEE, SEAN WANG, and others!

Check the Cover Photos section of the QUANTUM Yahoo group for an image of the cover.

It's getting REALLY exciting.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

For those of you who live in the NYC are there is a special promotion going on this week at 4 of the best comic book stores in the area.

Everyone who purchases a copy of Strangers in Paradise #66 will receive a free copy of QUANTUM: Rock of Ages #3. This is a local special that is taking place at the following stores:

Silver Age Comics
22-55 31ST Street, Astoria, NY 11105
(800) 278-9691 or (718) 721-9691

Midtown Comics - Times Square
200 W 40th St. & 7th Ave.
New York, NY 10018

Jim Hanley's Universe
4 West 33rd Street
(located off 5th Ave. / across from the Empire State Building) 
New York, NY 10001
Tel: 212.268.7088

Cosmic Comics
10 E23rd st., New York City, NY 10010

Supplies are limited so get to your retailer NOW!

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Hey Guys,
Just wanted to start catching you all up on the latest happenings.
I'm proud to announce that JENNIFER KWON has come on board as series toner/colorist. This comes following our last colorist's sudden and unexpected departure. After posting a desperate ad on Craigslist, auditioning, and interviewing many local candidates, I was happy to select Jennifer as part of the art team. She has a great style, and seems hungry and eager for the work.
You can check out more about Jennifer here:


Well, thanks to Jennifer's hard work (she's going to turn around 28 pages in less than 10 days!) we are on track for getting QUANTUM #4 out pretty much on time. I will have a sneak peek posted on the site by the end of the week. The book itself should be available at the MoCCA art festival, and in stores the week of July 7th.
QUANTUM #5 will be delayed for a late September release, and will be the first issue to go out without Diamond's support. As a result, I will be putting an ORDER FORM in the back of issue #4 for both readers and retailers. Keep your eyes peeled for it.
Stay tuned for news about the QUANTUM: Rock of Ages trade paperback soon!


Thursday, June 10, 2004

Everyone take a moment out of your day to say a silent prayer for Ray Charles, who passed away today at the age of 73. Ray Charles's contribution to the world of soul music has left an indelible mark on the world, and he will be deeply missed.

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Ray Charles, who overcame childhood poverty, blindness and heroin addiction to help create soul music and become one of America's most beloved singers, died on Thursday at the age of 73 after a long fight with liver disease, his spokesman said.

Charles died at 11:35 a.m. PDT (2:35 p.m. EDT) at his Beverly Hills home, the singer's longtime publicist Jerry Digney said. Family members and co-workers of the legendary entertainer were with him when he died.

In one of his last public appearances, the singer-songwriter turned up in a motorized wheelchair for a ceremony in April conferring historic-building status on his longtime recording complex in a rundown part of Los Angeles.

Visibly frail, his voice reduced to a whisper, Charles' demeanor then was a far cry from the wildly enthusiastic performer known to millions of fans for more than half a century.

A prolific musician, Charles has been off the road for almost a year so that he could undergo a hip replacement. Unspecified complications forced him to scrap plans to resume touring with a performance in New York last month.

Charles, a pioneer of soul music whose biggest hits include "Georgia on My Mind" and "Hit the Road Jack," was a multiple Grammy winner who had been blind since the age of 6.

While known as "The Genius of Soul," Charles' music included standards, R&B, country pop and jazz.

Happy travels, Ray. If there's a rock-and-roll heaven, it's a hell of a band, and you just earned your seat at the nearest piano. Play on.

Got some really good news today.

DAVID MACK has confirmed to provide me with some art for the back of the QUANTUM trade paperback I'm assembling for the fall. He's also provided me a nice little quote for the back cover:

"Philip Clark is an up and coming creator to watch out for"
-David Mack

All my schmoozing at cons is finally paying off. Expect a big announcement by next week.


Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Hey gang,
The gifted and talented Alan Abbadessa over at www.13wasps.com has given us the thumbs-up over at his review board. Check it out:


Still recovering from birthday bliss. Will have big announcements soon. Stay tuned.


Saturday, May 29, 2004

Hey y’all,

This weekend is full of birthday madness for me, but I do have a little time
to bring everyone up to speed on the latest press for QUANTUM.

Rick Onley, chief organizer of the Mighty Mini Con has posted a nice
endorsement of the book here:


And, the lovely BrickThrower has given us a nice little nod on SimplyJd.com:


I want to humbly thank Rick and Mary for the kind words. Issue #4 is nearly
complete, and you guys are gonna love it.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004

I'm still reeling from my trip to Philly, sorting through the debris and such (while still navigating the day job). But I wanted to hip you guys to our latest review over at Silver Bullet Comics.


Also, I've scanned in most of the Pinups I got at the con this weekend. They're in the Photos section of the QUANTUM Yahoo Group. I have renamed the "Fan Art" folder to "Pinups," and have begun to sort the pinups by character. I'm beginning to get some real talent doing sketches of your favorite characters, so go check it out!

Coming soon: Full Con report and Andy Lee's watercolor of Skyler Hope!

Peace and Chicken Grease,

Monday, May 24, 2004


It's been an eventful weekend, to say the least.
I have a con report and a status report coming up within the week. For now, go check out the review QUANTUM #3 got from Dave LeBlanc at Digital Webbing's "Comic Book Electronic Magazine."



Friday, May 14, 2004

Hey all,
Go check out my column on Writing for Comics over at ComiXtreme.com



Thursday, May 13, 2004

I received a nice little blurb on the book from Walter Simonson (Thor, X-Factor, New Gods) yesterday:

"QUANTUM is thoroughly enjoyable. Loads of fun!"

I'll be milkin' that one on the back of the trade. lol

Thanks to James Rodriguez for doing the legwork on this one.


Monday, May 10, 2004

Richard Vasseur over at Jazmaonline.com has posted a short and sweet review on issue #3. Check it:



Friday, May 07, 2004

This one slipped through the cracks.

Here's a nice little review over at darkworldcomix:


Thursday, May 06, 2004

JD and Mary over at simplyJD.com have posted a nice little blurb about me at the Pittsburgh Con:


Big ups to the two of them. It was a blast meeting them at the show.


Tuesday, May 04, 2004

ComiCon.com's "The Pulse" has just published a fantastic feature on QUANTUM. Check it out:


Many thanks to Jennifer Contino for her continued support of the book!

More QUANTUM #3 reviews. This one's at Dave's Rants:


Monday, May 03, 2004

Some good news, and some bad news...

First the bad news:

Issue #1 got skewered at PopMatters.com


Now the good news!

Issue #3 is one of HerosRealm.com's best this week!


Hey, it's a fair cop.

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Craig Reade over at ComiXtreme.com has posted a review for issue #3 on his
site. Go check it out!


Many thanks to Craig for his continued support of this book. Look for a
column by yours truly on the ComiXtreme site this May.

Coming soon: Dave's Rant on issue #3!


Wednesday, April 28, 2004

The incomparable Comic Fanatic, Heath Shelby, has just posted an awesome feature on QUANTUM: Rock of Ages. Check it out over at his site.


Here's a direct link to the article as well.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004

The reviews for issue #3 are starting to come in. Check it.


Saturday, April 10, 2004

Hey Guys,
Check out QUANTUM #5's cover and solicitation for June's PREVIEWS. Enjoy!
QUANTUM: Rock of Ages #5 Solicitation:

The perfect jumping-on point for new readers. Quantum-bearer Tony Ghiatonne joins our cast of wayward heroes, and has a startling revelation for all of them. Plus, the evil Amarillo Frosch continues to scheme with an unknown traitor, and we meet his second-in-command: Deimos the Man-Dragon! The best cross-time epic you’re not reading continues this August.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

My Journey into SPACE...

This past weekend was my first trip to the Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo, or SPACE, as it's affectionately known to the indie comic book community. Despite a completely heinous and draining commute to and from the show itself (read: leaving at 2:30 AM Friday morning to catch a train out to Long Island for a 6:45 plane, and then getting up--after losing an hour with the time change--at 5 AM that Sunday following to trek back home. And nary any rest in between; I'm not as young as I used to be), the experience was quite enjoyable, rewarding, and educational.

I arrived in Columbus, OH at about 11:30 Friday morning (did I mention my long commute?). Now I didn't really get a chance to familiarize myself too much with Columbus, but I can say one thing:

Columbus has more soul than New York.

I know I'm taking a risk saying that. And believe me, I've seen a lot of soul in NYC (hell, I've played the Apollo). But from the time I got off the plane, I just started noticing that there's a serious soulful presence in Columbus. The local classic soul station is better than NYC's KISS FM. There was even a band in the Holiday Inn I was staying that had more serious flava than some of the best bands I've seen in the city.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Anyway, my main goal here is to talk about comic books, and the indie con itself. So, the first real gathering was that Friday night at The Laughing Ogre, probably the most indie-friendly shop I've ever been to. I immediately introduced myself to GIB, the owner, and was delighted to see that the entire north wall of the store was "Alternative Comic" heaven. Racks of small press and self-published books, and lo and behold, there was QUANTUM #1 AND QUANTUM #2, displayed in prominence. The Ogre also had mini-comics and of course mainstream books; plenty of graphic novels (mainstream and indie alike), an extensive manga section, and how-to staples like all the Hogarth anatomy books and such. Gib's store was so great it was impossible for me to resist buying stuff, and I stocked up on Eisner's "Comics and Sequential Art," Bendis's "Fortune and Glory," and Damon Hurd's "A Sort of Homecoming #2." The meeting itself was a good-willed conglomeration of creators, artist, and publishers old and new. DAVE SIM and GERHARD (the con's guests of honor) were on hand as well, although that night I was too shy to approach them. I did meet some nice folks that did mini-comics out of Michigan (big ups Midtown Productions and Darkworld Comix!), who gave me a ride back to the hotel; but not before we all mingled and partook of the Ogres generous offerings of Pizza, sodas, and booze. There was also an in-house DJ spinning his remixes.

Anyway, back at the hotel I settled myself at the bar and took in the soulful sounds of the tasty R&B Band, sipping down Coronas and Jack Daniels until I finally crashed from exhaustion and hit the much-needed hay.

Saturday, April 3:

The beginning of the convention brought me in contact with its organizer, BOB CORBY. Bob was a really straight up guy and, after just a little glitch, set me up in some prime real estate; between both major rooms, in front of the hotel restaurant, and smack-dab between the Laughing Ogre's tables and Friends of Lulu. AND eventually, right in front of Dave Sim's signing table, but we'll get to that later.

About Dave Sim: let me go on the record to refute any nasty rumor you've ever heard about the guy. Before the actual show started I finally got a chance to introduce myself, congratulate him for the outstanding achievement of producing 300 issues of "Cerebus" all on his own, and thank him for the "Self-Publishing Guide." Dave is just the coolest guy, he took a good look at QUANTUM #1 and #2 and we chatted briefly about the Cerebus accomplishment. He was engaging, friendly, and attentive, and later when he was signing stuff for fans, he spent a good 10 minutes talking to EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM. This was not the "arrogant jerk" I'd heard about. Sim was just too cool.

Also in attendance, and right next to me at the Ogre's table was Columbus's golden boy, SEAN MCKEEVER. Sean was really great to hang out with as well, and we caught up on things since our introduction at Wizard World Philly last year. Sean hipped me to the latest happenings in his career, including the regrettable cancellation of "Inhumans" and "Sentinel." But fear not, Sean will hopefully be taking over "Mystique" and also writing "Mary Jane," a high-school-years story involving Spidey's main squeeze.

I also got to meet some of my fellow Small Press Association colleagues, notably founder IAN and KATHY SHIRES, and also STEVE NOPPENBERGER. The Shires, although exhausted, were clearly good people with a serious passion for comics and small press. I picked up a copy of the newly published "The Guide" and consigned a few copies of QUANTUM to the SPA.

Noppenberger--or "Noppie" as he's used to being called--and I spoke briefly about his "Potlatch" anthology, which shares space with QUANTUM in this month's PREVIEWS catalogue. To my surprise, I found out that Noppie doesn't even use paper for his art anymore, choosing instead to keep his art completely digital. I told him he should think about writing a book about that, to which he laughed, but I think it'd be a fascinating "how to" for up-and-coming artists. Maybe I can talk him into it down the line (hell, *I'd* help him write it).

Traffic at the QUANTUM table was fairly steady, and I got a chance to see some new talent's work and also turn new people onto the book. I did my best to do a couple of laps around the con, eventually running into fellow small-presser TYLER PAGE, creator of "Stylish Vittles." Tyler was cool as ever, and had an ashcan of "Mini Vittles," a smattering of work that has never made it into any of his other publications. I also had the pleasure of meeting MAX INK, whose "Blink" is a well-rendered and very cute mini-comic.

One pleasant surprise of the con for me was meeting ERIC ADAMS, creator/writer/artist of "Lackluster World." I'm telling you folks, watch out for this guy! His prose is clever and engaging, his characters nicely fleshed out, his art and storytelling very refreshing. Go check his stuff out at http://lacklusterworld.com right NOW!

My other pleasant surprise came in the form of A. DAVID LEWIS, a friend and colleague I've had the pleasure of knowing since SPX 2003. David is always a pleasure to run into at a convention, and we caught each other up on our respective ventures. The talented Mr. Lewis is getting ready to release the "Mortal Coils" trade paperback in June, the same month as QUANTUM #4 hits, so expect to see an ad for it therein. David was also nice enough to invite me onto the self-publishing panel last minute with fellow creators STEVE CONLEY (Astounding Space Tales), CHRIS PITZER (AdHouse Books), MILLARD DRAUGHT (Dog Eared),  and IAN SHIRES (Small Press Association).

After the con, I got a chance to hang out with David, Steve Conley, Bob Corby, and JIM GOWNLEY (Amelia Rules!). That experience was probably worth the whole price of admission, as it served to be very educational for me regarding new ideas on how to market and promote QUANTUM. Also, I ran into Dave Sim again, who, despite the long day, was more than happy to chat a little more about his extensive experience. I'm telling you, he was just a really nice guy. Finally, after a well-deserved night cap, I made my way to bed for an early departure back to New York.

All in all, this convention is what it's all about for me: a chance for all us smaller publishers to reach people who are genuinely interested in swimming away from the mainstream. There wasn't a Marvel, DC, or Image title to be seen anywhere, just fresh, independent art from (fairly) normal folk just like you and me. For all you budding comic creators out there: these are the kind of shows to hit, rather than wasting your time at, say, a bigger con (where the organizers won't even return your phone calls unless you're Jim freakin' Lee). I know I can make a much larger impact at shows like SPACE, MOCCA, and SPX; shows where the indie press are given equal chance to shine as the big guns, not to be quarantined into the "Artist Alley" of a "Major" con. One thing I am learning in this experience that is self-publishing is to go where the audience is. Well, my friends, it sure ain't at Big Apple Con (mercy me, did I just talk out of turn?).

So anyway, two little piles of QUANTUM sold out and just a little lost sleep later, I'd have to say that I'll be attending SPACE for several years to come. How about you?

Philip Clark

Monday, April 05, 2004

More QUANTUM press!

Check out Heath Shelby's site, "The Comic Fanatic" for a sneak peek at QUANTUM #3.


Here's a 3-page teaser:

Peace y'all,

Thursday, April 01, 2004


James Rodriguez Takes “QUANTUM” On An Even Wilder Ride.
New York Artist Takes On Sci-Fi/Musical Comic Book Epic.

James Rodriguez makes his debut as regular series penciller in QUANTUM: ROCK OF AGES #3, from Dreamchilde Press. This bimonthly independent comic has already garnered much critical praise, and the new art direction promises to exceed the high standard of excellence in storytelling and originality set by its previous issues. While navigating the mysterious waters of the time/space continuum, QUANTUM also pokes fun at pop culture in various alternate universes.

Described as "Sliders" meets "High Fidelity," QUANTUM follows the adventures of Nick Vargas, a jaded musician turned record-store owner. Due to a Nazi experiment gone awry in an alternate reality, Nick is unwittingly taken on the ultimate cross-time thrill ride. His goal is to reassemble the Quantum Silica—-an ancient and powerful artifact that has been split into seven fragments—-in order to repair time and space before they fade from existence. Each unique character in QUANTUM discovers a fragment of the bizarre gemstone embedded into their bodies. These fragments of the “Quantum” sphere offer a unique power to each of them, and need to be reassembled before Nick can return to his record store reality. The longer it takes Nick and his counterparts to do this, the more alternate realities start to blink into oblivion, one universe at a time.

A Queens native and also member of the Comic Art Guild, James Rodriguez brings to QUANTUM a level of quality that creator Philip Clark has been seeking since its inception. “James is a total pro. His attention to detail and command of perspective blows anything that we’ve done previously in QUANTUM out of the water. It’s been a pleasure working with him. I really feel like he has a passion for the story and the characters that is more in line with my initial vision for the project.”

Rodriguez says, “This is definitely one of the best experiences I’ve had in creating comics so far. Philip’s characters are fun to draw, and his plot and concept are really engaging. Besides, eventually we’re going to have two hot girls in the book time traveling around the multiverse; what more could a guy ask for?”

QUANTUM: ROCK OF AGES #3, published by Dreamchilde Press, hits comic book specialty shops late April. QUANTUM: ROCK OF AGES #4 is available for ordering in the April issue of Diamond Comics Distributors “Previews” catalog (Order #APR042589 32-page black and white comic book w/ wrap-around cover by James Rodriguez and Jackie Teixeira, $2.99)

QUANTUM #3 Cover Art


Monday, March 29, 2004

I love starting the week with hype:


Thursday, March 25, 2004


Hey Guys,
Check out the latest press on QUANTUM over at the Queens Chronicle:


Peace and chicken grease,
Decency: Enough is Enough

You know, there's a whole big stink going on about "decency" standards lately. The whole Janet Jackson thing has cause a trigger-happy mentality in the media about what can and can't be shown in public. I've sat by, quietly sitting on my hands as of late, but now it's starting to get out of hand.

Today, the NY Daily News has posted a story alleging that American Idol's host, Simon Cowell, purposefully flipped the birdie on national television last night. Are we now living in an age where no one is safe from the scrutiny of the thought police?

Howard Stern, who has long been on the forefront of the fight for freedom of speech (admittedly, in his own way), looks like he also is losing the battle of the airwaves. Who, I ask you my fellow artists, is next?

If "Decency" is such a big problem here in the US of A, would somebody please explain to me a few inconsistencies:

A) So Janet Jackson cannot expose a breast with a nipple paste on it, for fear of an FCC injunction, yet Lil' Kim can parade around in pasties and a G-string on MTV and the cover of Rolling Stone and not suffer ANY repercussions?

B) You can't show a pastie-covered breast on the Super Bowl, or apparently lean on your middle finger for no intentional reason on national television, but shows like "Extreme Makeover," which show the goriest and bloodiest procedures of people indulging their own vanities, get carte blanche for Prime-time broadcast. And the nightly news, which shows violence and bloodshed in sensationalist amounts, is also dubbed as "decent?"

C) You can say "Asshole" on "Law and Order," but Howard stern alluding to naked women and sexual innuendoes gets a $500,000 fine??

I swear, the entire continent of Europe is looking at us and laughing their heads off.

I warn you, my friends, they'll be coming after comic books again, too. Remember the 50's? It's already happened once.

Philip Clark

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Check it out!

April PREVIEWS, page 285.

Diamond has once again featured the entire wraparound cover for QUANTUM: Rock of Ages in their solicitation. I'm taking this as a good omen. Take a look, and make sure you point it out to your local retailer come ordering time.

QUANTUM #4 Cover Art

Take care, folks.

Friday, March 19, 2004

Hey guys,

Plenty of hype for Dreamchilde Press and QUANTUM #2 over at the CBEM:



Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Hey Guys,
Go check out Paul Dale Roberts's website for the latest news, reviews, a other bits relating to comic books, including an interview with yours truly.


Go out and have a pint for me,

Monday, March 15, 2004

Another review for issues #1 and #2



Friday, March 12, 2004

Hey Gang,

The Reviews on issue #2 are starting to come in. Check 'em out.



More to come,

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Ok, I need a personal favor from you all.
When you have a moment, please call your local comic book shop, and ask them if they carry QUANTUM: Rock of Ages, and if they got issue #2. If you live in an area with more than one store, please call all the stores in your town.

It's a proven fact that name recognition takes at least 5 repetitions to truly take hold. This is how buzz is created. If people are calling repeatedly on a particular title, retailers are more than likely to look twice come ordering time.

Thanks guys, every bit helps.


Tuesday, February 24, 2004


Dreamchilde Press Releases QUANTUM: ROCK OF AGES #2
New York Independent Comic Book Publisher Continues Cross-Time Epic

Philip Clark and his team at Dreamchilde Press continue their mind-bending tale of alternate realities with the release of QUANTUM: ROCK OF AGES #2. This bimonthly independent comic has already garnered much critical praise, and the new installment promises to maintain the high standard of excellence in storytelling and originality set by its debut. While navigating the mysterious waters of the time/space continuum, QUANTUM also pokes fun at pop culture in various alternate universes.

Described as High Fidelity meets Sliders, QUANTUM follows the adventures of Nick Vargas, a jaded musician turned record-store owner. Due to a Nazi experiment gone awry in an alternate reality, Nick is unwittingly taken on the ultimate cross-time thrill ride. His goal is to reassemble the Quantum Silica—an ancient and powerful artifact that has been split into seven fragments—in order to repair time and space before they fade from existence. Each unique character in QUANTUM discovers a fragment of the bizarre gemstone embedded into their bodies. These fragments of the “Quantum” sphere offer a unique power to each of them, and need to be reassembled before Nick can return to his record store reality. The longer it takes Nick and his counterparts to do this, the more alternate realities start to blink into oblivion, one universe at a time.

This issue also heralds the addition of two new creative forces on the art team. New York artist James Rodriguez provides the wraparound cover and a sneak preview of his upcoming run as series artist. Also joining the Dreamchilde bullpen is Robert Ashcraft, who takes over as series colorist with his eye-catching grayscales. QUANTUM #2 marks the departure of artist and co-creator Ozzy Longoria.

QUANTUM: ROCK OF AGES #2, published by Dreamchilde Press, hits comic book specialty shops this Wednesday. QUANTUM: ROCK OF AGES #3 is available for ordering in the February issue of Diamond Comics Distributors “Previews” catalog (32-page black and white comic book w/ hand-painted wrap-around cover by James Rodriguez, $2.99)

QUANTUM #2 Cover


Friday, February 20, 2004

Hey gang,

Here's a special treat. I've posted pages in the photos section of the Yahoo Group of "The Death of Philip Clark," which I will sneak into issue #3. And no, I don't have a death wish, I just figured if I was going to die on paper, it might as well be literally (forgive the pun). Anyway, hope you all enjoy.

As a special treat, if you play issue #3 backwards, it says, "I buried Paul."

Crossing Abbey Road with no shoes,

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Good news,
Spoke to my rep at Brenner today. Issue #2 went out to Diamond yesterday, so it should be out on the shelves next Wednesday.

So begins QUANTUM's regular bi-monthly print run. I can say with extreme confidence to expect it on the 4th Wednesday of every other month.

More later,

Friday, February 13, 2004

Almost forgot,
I wanted to give a shout out to Mark, Jen, and Hasaan at the Comic Book Novice Radio Show on AM1240 WGBB. James and I had a great time last night and we hope to do it again very soon. Their show is webcast on Thursday Nights at 9PM EST at


Make sure you check it out.

Peace and chicken grease,
Hey all,
Just a quick note to let you know that I've posted two pieces of
Fan Art in the Photos section of the Yahoo group. Check out killer
pin-ups by Kevin Anthony and Spencer Lewis! It's great to see so
much talent out there, thanks to both of these fine artists for their

Also, I have to apologize. James and I were on a radio show
last night, and I only sent notices out to people in the NYC/Long
Island area. I found out right as I was getting on the train to go to
the radio station that the show was actually webcast. So, when I
get the tape of the show, I will be posting it on the group for your
enjoyment. I'm sure James and I will end up going back at some
point, and I will make sure I let everyone know next time.

Anyway, that's it for now.

Thursday, February 05, 2004


James Rodriguez and I will be attending the Capital Associates Comic Book, Toy and CCG show THIS SUNDAY, Feb 8th, in Washington, DC. The full scoop can be found here:


The con is located at:
Tysons DoubleTree Hotel
7801 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, VA 22043-2497
Tel: 1-703-893-1340

We'll have copies of issue #1 to sign, a mock-up of issue #2, and preview pages of issue #3, as well as other assorted goodies like posters and original art. Come on by and say hi.

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Just to let you all know,

Diamond elected to show the entire cover of issue #3 in this
month's PREVIEWS catalog. Hopefully this is heralding some good
fortune for the book.

Make sure you let your local comic book store know that issue
#3 is now available to order. I'd like to show our distributor that
interest is picking up.

Also, many props to James Rodriguez and Jackie Teixeira for
their awesome work. I just send James' art for the cover of issue #4
to Jackie to color, and I must say, it's just as awesome as ish #3.
I'll post a preview of it later this week.

Take care,

Friday, January 30, 2004

Issue #2 is in the can.

Thank God that's over.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Hey Guys,
Just a quick note to let you know I've posted the 3-page preview of QUANTUM #2 on the website. Now you can steer all of your friends over there to show them the current greatness.


Issue #2's just about in the can, and should be going to Brenner on Friday. With the creative shake-ups that occurred this time around, this issue almost didn't happen. I've subsequently come to think of ish #2 as the "issue from Hell," but I do feel it's better than ish #1. The story is finally starting to unfold, and I can finally get to some plot and character development.

I'm sorry Ozzy and Mauricio decided they couldn't play ball. I just wish they would have at least kissed me before they decided to fuck me.

I'm not bitter or anything.

Maybe someday I'll elaborate, but not today. Just a lesson that I'm in an artistic business, and sometimes artists can be flaky. I'm just glad I got it out of the way early in the game.

The good news is that I've found a true team of professionals to take the book to a better place from here. My personal thanks to James, Supriya, Robert, and Meg for sticking with me and believing in the mission.

Just you wait. The fun is just beginning.

Three page preview of QUANTUM #2


Sunday, January 18, 2004

Hey all,
Just popping of a quick line. Yesterday, James Rodriguez and I hopped on a Chinese charter bus and headed to the Philadelphia Comic Convention. The folks over there were nice enough to have a table at the last minute. Anyway, it was a really positive event. We appeared with fellow comic book luminaries Vince Argondezzi (Next Man) and Rudy Nebres (Wonder Woman, Vampirella). It was great getting the word out on the street about QUANTUM, and I'm going to try to make it to every con I can on the Eastern Seaboard. So keep your eyes peeled. Many thanks to Derek Woywood for allowing Dreamchilde Press to represent.

I've started the QUANTUM: Rock of Ages forum at Yahoo Groups. Go here to join:


As far as the book goes, I need help with three things:

1) I need letters for the letter column. If you have seen QUANTUM
#1 and wish to be heard, please submit a thread. By doing so,
you grant Dreamchilde Press permission to use your comments
in the letter column. So step up and let us know what you think!

2) For a limited time, I am offering free ad space to retailers and
fellow comic professionals and publishers in the back of the
book. Ad deadline is Friday, January 23rd for issue #2 which hits
stands in February. To all of you who have shown your support,
this is my way to hopefully repay you.

3) I am constantly looking for FAN ART and pin-ups for future
issues. The rules are simple: just go to the QUANTUM: Rock of
Ages website, pick one of the seven main characters, and put
them in an action-packed pinup.

I know that even a great comic book is nothing without its fans,
so I hope each and every one of you will consider helping me
raise the profile of QUANTUM and Dreamchilde Press.

Oh, almost forgot. I want to welcome ROBERT ASHCRAFT to the QUANTUM team. Unfortunately, Mauricio Mandara can't make the time to stick with the project, so Robert has been cool enough to swoop in and finish issue #2. He'll also be on for at least the next two books. This guy seriously knows his stuff, and I know you all will be wowed by his style.

QUANTUM: Rock of Ages is available through Diamond Comics Distribution, FM Distribution, and Cold Cut Distribution. Tell your local retailer to order their copies NOW!

Sunday, January 04, 2004

Happy New Year, Y'all.

We have a new review over at The Fourth Rail:


Now that the holidays have wound down, I'm really looking forward to kicking off a brand new year. It's funny how sometimes just a turn of the clock will herald new and great things in one's life. Things are progressing well with QUANTUM so far. Issue #2 is nearly in the can, and Issue #3 is being penciled as we speak. James Rodriguez has really taken hold of Nick and company, and I must say I think his work is leaps and bounds beyond what was previous. James brings a great sense of perspective and proportion to every panel he draws, and he has really been a true professional and a delight to work with.

Well, that's my real quick blurb for now. I want to thank everyone who has supported this project from the get-go. And hey, I need mail for the letter column. So if you've picked up a copy of the book and you liked it, please drop me a line. Wouldn't it be fun to get your letter printed in the back of a comic book?

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll touch base later in the week with more updates.
