DREAMCHILDE PRESS BOYCOTTS BIG APPLE CONDue to the administration of the Big Apple Con breaking their word
and pulling their support for CAG and Dreamchilde, I will no long be
attending their shows.
It's clear that the Big Apple Con is not indie-friendly. They give no
consideration for small press or independent publishers, choosing
instead to tap us for the same table fees they charge major
publishers and artists. What other con does this? Even Wizard World
has a different rate or small press.
It's unfortunate that, after 2 years of faithful attendance at these
shows, cross-promotion, encouraging CAG membership to attend,
and hosting panels for Big Apple they have chosen to treat us this
way. But this is mostly a financial decision. It makes no sense to pay
over $300 for a table that generates only $50 in sales on average.
And on a personal note: the show's just skeezy. I'm over it. It's clear
all they are concerned with is their bottom line. And they will walk
over any organization they see fit to accommodate it. I can't believe
after the drama of the "Snow-Con" (CAG alone brought 15 people
through the door of that show and still ran a panel) they would be like
this. We've been at every show since they moved out of the church,
have hyped it to our readership and membership, and have even
assisted the Big Apple Staff with setup. We have never cancelled at
the last minute (unlike a handful of "professionals" I won't name
here). This is a spit in the face I'm just not comfortable taking.
Big Apple Conventions apparently lost money on the last show and
have chosen to punish their regular attendees in order to make up
for it. That's not good business.
I encourage my fellow small pressers and New York City comic book
professionals to boycott these cons. They are, on a consistent basis,
the worst run shows I ever attend. For too long, Mike Carbonaro has
had a monopoly on conventions in NYC, and it's high time there were
other options.
Philip Clark