Monday, January 17, 2005

New York Small Press Publisher To Hold Self Publishing Panel.

Writer/Publisher Philip Clark, Artist James Rodriguez and Inker Peter
Palmiotti will be in attendance at the Big Apple Con on January 22-23 in
NYC. The Dreamchilde Press team will be working at the Comic Art Guild (CAG)
table with CAG President Keith Murphey. All Comic Art Guild members are
encouraged to attend.

A confirmed roster of CAG members attending this show:

•Keith Murphey (Silliman Farm) •Zorikh Lequidre (Watch this Space)
•Philip Clark (QUANTUM: Rock of Ages) •James Rodriguez (QUANTUM: Rock of
Ages) •Scott Sheaffer •Justin Thomas (Vessel)

The Comic Art Guild is a NYC/CT-based not-for-profit organization of
creators, publishers, and comic book enthusiasts. Their mission is to
provide community for fellow creators and educate the general public about
the art of sequential storytelling. Once a year, CAG publishes its annual
anthology showcasing its members broad talent. CAG welcomes all convention
attendees to inquire about membership, and will hold a meeting immediately
following the show Saturday night.

In addition, Dreamchilde's Philip Clark will be conducting a self-publishing
panel on Sunday, January 23rd at 11AM. Topics to include: producing a
comic, finding talent, budgeting a project, marketing campaigns, and
alternate forms of publishing. The panel is free of charge and open to all
convention attendees.

The Big Apple Con will be held January 22-23 at the Penn Plaza Pavilion, 401
Seventh Ave at 33rd St. Tickets for the show are $10 per day, and are
available through PayPal Or At The Door the day of show. More info can be found at


New York Small Press Publisher Gaining Momentum.

Just over a year after its initial publication, "QUANTUM: Rock of Ages" #1 has officially sold out. "Decent online sales and strong convention presence helped us keep this book moving to the masses," Dreamchilde publisher Philip Clark explains. "All we could do was try to put an issue in every hand we could, and that seemed to help a lot."

Clark also admits to comping a number of copies to comic book industry and press. It seems to be a gamble that paid off, as QUANTUM garnered its fair share of positive press in 2004. "In this market, no publisher fresh out of the gate is going to just sell 1000 copies without putting multiple ads in Diamond's PREVIEWS. I knew that going in, and had no qualms about giving out copies to help keep the buzz alive. In an age where more people are buying trades, it's not smart to keep boxes upon boxes of comics just sitting around waiting to sell."

"QUANTUM: Rock of Ages" follows the story of Nick Vargas, reluctant teleporter and time-traveler, who must locate 7 fragments of the QUANTUM SILICA--an alien artifact which gave him his powers--in order to set a fractured time and space to right again. As he recovers the Quantum fragments he is joined by various cross-time counterparts who have also been empowered by the gem. It's a tale of friends, foes, dark science, love and intrigue that later leads Nick to an awesome revelation about himself and his companions.

Dreamchilde Press has retained 10 copies of QUANTUM #1 which will be re-released as collectors item editions upon QUANTUM'S 10th anniversary, December, 2013.

"QUANTUM: Rock of Ages" is still available from your comic shop through Diamond, FM International, and Cold Cut Distribution or directly from the Dreamchilde Press website (Diamond Order #s DEC03-2366, FEB04-2306, APR04-2589, AUG04-2683). More information can be found at

Tuesday, January 04, 2005


NEW YORK Cartoonist/graphic novelist Will Eisner died last night in Florida
following quadruple heart bypass surgery. He was 87.

His newspaper connection included creating "The Spirit" insert for Sunday
papers from 1940 to 1952. Jules Feiffer worked under Eisner on that comic
feature from 1946 and 1951.

Eisner received the 1995 Milton Caniff Lifetime Achievement Award and the
1998 Reuben Award as cartoonist of the year from the National Cartoonists

Rest in Peace, Will. You've definitely earned it.